Please arrive to your scheduled appointment 10 minutes early to allow time to fill out and/or discuss the client health history form. Should a situation arise that makes a late arrival unavoidable, please contact Carmen immediately. Arriving late may limit your treatment time or may result in rescheduling your appointment. Upon arrival, kindly turn off all mobile devices and speak in a soft voice while in the treatment room.
Side effects of massage therapy run in tandem with detox effects and may include:
- Temporary pain or discomfort
- Bruising
- Swelling
- Sensitivity or allergy to massage oils
- Nausea
- Feeling sluggish (as if slightly intoxicated)
- Headache
- Sore throat
Benefits to massage therapy include:
- Increased circulation and blood flow
- Muscle relaxation
- Increased range of motion
- Decreased pain and stiffness
- Enhanced immunity
- Enhanced sleep quality
- Overall increase in health and well-being
What Is Medical Massage?
Medical massage, or soft tissue manipulation, is a specialty in the field of massage therapy that is used to treat conditions of most major physiological systems, such as skeletal, nervous, circulatory, digestive and muscular as well as a powerful rehabilitative procedure. The specific muscles, trigger points, and pain complaints would be addressed in this kind of treatment.
Medical Massage Therapy is the focused use of advanced massage techniques to treat a specific condition and achieve a specific outcome. In some cases the condition treated is first diagnosed by the patient’s physician. In other cases the medical massage therapist simply treats the patient based on the patient’s subjective description of his symptoms following a thorough assessment of the patient’s muscles, posture, etc.
Techniques used during a medical massage often include neuromuscular therapy, myofascial release, and lymphatic drainage massage among many others; however, they can also include more common techniques such as Swedish massage. The major difference between a medical massage and a regular massage is that it is performed by a therapist with advanced training and the treatment is structured to obtain a specific outcome.
Most common pain conditions respond extremely well to massage treatments. If you suffer from any of these ailments, massage can be beneficial to you:
- Low Back Pain
- Stress & Neck Tension
- TMJ Pain
- Sciatica & Piriformis Syndrome
- Whiplash – car accidents, falls, old Football Injuries
- Reduced Range of Motion
- Postural Imbalances
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
- Menopause Symptoms
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Costochondritis
- Recovery after Surgery
- Immune System
- Enhancement
- Chronic Pain (in any area)
- Lymphedema
- Joint Aches
- Fibromyalgia Pain
- Headaches & Migraines
- Tendonitis
- Bulimia
- Depression
- Tremors
- Constipation
- Breast Pain
- Arthritis
- Pregnancy
- Geriatric Concerns
- Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI)
- Phantom Limb Pain & Amputation
- Autism
- Anxiety & Other Psychological Concerns