Surprising to most people, water is the only fluid that properly hydrates the body. Everything else that comes into the body registers as food and files accordingly. Drinking plenty of water daily is important, especially during the first 24 hours before and after a massage. But why is it so important?
Water Before A Session
Massage actually dehydrates muscles by moving fluid out of the muscle to the spaces between. Drinking water before a massage creates hydrated muscles, providing an easier session for the therapist to perform deep work and the client to receive deep work. Hydrated muscles are easily manipulated. Beginning a session in a state of dehydration causes muscle cramping during the session. This is not only painful to experience but time is lost working the cramp out vs. achieving smarter work around the body.
Water After A Session
Massage stimulates circulation in the body while flushing water, salt, and other minerals from muscles. Our circulatory system carries away waste materials generated by cells. Massage also pushes out a high amount of toxins into the system. Drinking water post-session forces released toxins to move and be carried out of the body. Without the follow-up of water, toxins can pool within the system, causing muscles aches, soreness, swelling, and discomfort.
What’s With The Warm Water?
Why do I insist on handing out room temperature water after a massage session? Drinking water right after a session helps bring people back to alertness. After a massage it is typical to feel “spacey” and disoriented. Having a glass of water helps to bring the body and mind back to the present and allows the brain and mind time to slowly return to the real world. Warm water, specifically, performs this action in a soothing way. Cold water is shocking and causes an immediate reaction inside the body. Warm water goes down smoothly and effortlessly, causing the least trauma in the system, thereby helping to acquaint the client to the present.
See you on the table!